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Ancestors and Descendents of Edward Fitz Randolph and Elizabeth Blossom
ancestry of Poppa, wife of Rolf Fitz Randolph of Massachusetts & New Jersey Lord Ranulf Fitz Robert of Middleham & Mary Bigod France circa 1453 Charlemagne & Hildegarde of Vinzgau Pépin I & Bertha Lord Charles & Juliana His Highness Louis I of Aquitane Bernard of Italy and Kunigunde Seigneur Pépin de Peronne Herbert I de Senlis? Gui de Senlis & Unknown de Perrone Bernard de Senlis Ragnvald I Eyesteinsson & Ragnild Hrolfsdottir Hrollager Ragnvaldsson Einar Ragnvaldsson Ivar Ragnvaldsson Thorir Ragnvaldsson Seigneur Rolf Ragnvaldsson & Poppa Seigneur Rolf Ragnvaldsson & Poppa Seigneur Rolf Ragnvaldsson & Poppa Seigneur Ralf Ragnvaldsson & Gisela Lord William I de Normandy & Spora Lord William I de Normandy & Luitgarde Lord Richard I de Normandy & Emma Lord Richard I de Normandy & Unknown Mistresses Lord Richard I de Normandy & Gunnor Count Geoffrey de Eu Count William de Eu Beatrice Robert Papia Robert II de Normandy Mauger de Normandy Maud de Normandy Hawise de Normandy & Geoffrey I Hawise de Normandy & Geoffrey I Duke Conan I de Brittany & Emengarde de Anjou Judicael Berengar Geoffrey I de Anjou & Adele de Troyes Robert Danus de Normandy Emma de Normandy & King Æthelred of England Emma de Normandy & King Cnut of England Lord Richard II de Normandy & Judith Lord Richard II de Normandy & Judith Lord Richard II de Normandy & Poppa Mauger William Lord Richard III de Normandy & Judith Renaud I & Avicia Lord Robert de Normandy & Herleva Lord Robert de Normandy Lord William I de Normandy, King of England Adelaide de Normandy Eleanor & Count Baldwin IV de Flanders William de Normandy Matilda de Normandy Lord Geoffrey de Normandy Robert Lord Eudo de Brittany & Agnes de Cornouaille Alan de Cornouaille Lord Ribauld of Middleham & Beatrix Lord Ranulf Fitz Ribald of Middleham & Agatha de Bruce Alan Rufus Stephen Bardolf Lord Robert de Brus of Annandale and Skelton & Agnes Robert de Brus Lord William de Brus of Annandale Bernard de Brus Euphemia de Brus Lord Robert Fitz Ranulf of Middleham & Helewisa de Glanville Lord Robert de Brus & Euphemia de Crosibi Lord Adam de Brus of Skelton Earl Hugh Bigod of Norfolk Earl Roger Bigod of Norfolk & Ida de Tosny Earl Hugh de Bigod of Norfolk Middleham Castle, Wensleydale, North Yorkshire Skelton Castle, North Yorkshire Framlingham Castle, Suffolk Ralf Fitz Ranulf & Anastasia de Percy Ranulf Fitz Ranulf & Bertrama Robert de Neville & Mary Fitz Randolph Ranulf de Neville & Eupheme Fitz Robert Ralph de Neville Robert de Neville Ralph de Neville & Alicia de Audley Lord John de Neville of Raby & Maud de Percy Lord John de Neville of Raby & Elizabeth Latimer Lord Ralph de Neville & Lady Margaret de Stafford Lord Ralph de Neville & Jean of Beaufort Richard Plantagnet & Cecily Neville Edward Plantagenet King Richard III Plantagenet & HRH Anne Neville HRH Anne neville & King Richard III Plantagenet Richard Neville & Alice de Beaucamp Richard Neville & Alice Montacute Lord John de Neville & Lady Elizabeth de Holand Lord John Neville & Anne Holand Lord Ralph Neville & Isabel Booth Lord Ralph Neville & Mary Paston Lord Ralph Neville & Edith Sandys Lord Ralph Neville & Katherine Stafford HRH Anne Neville & HRH Prince Edward Plantagenet Isabel Neville & George Plantagenet Earl Edward Plantagenet of Warwick HRH Prince Edward Plantagenet Sir Roger de Ingoldsby & Bertrama Ralph Fitz Ranulf & Theophania de Lascelles Sir Roger de Lascelles Lord Ranulf Fitz Ralph & Isabel Lord John Fitz Ranulf & Maud de Campania Lord Robert de Hilton & Maud de Campania Lord Randall Fitz John Sir John Randall Sir Ralph Fitz Randall & Elizabeth John Fitz Randolph & Joan Conyers Sir Christopher Conyers & Ellen Rolleston Lord Thomas Rolleston & Beatrice Hauley Christopher Fitz Randolph Ralph Fitz Randolph John Fitz Randolph Christopher Fitz Randolph & Joan Langton Cuthbert Langton Thomas Fitz Randolph Unknown Fitz Randolph Unknown Fitz Randolph Christopher Fitz Randolph James Fitz Randolph Anthony Fitz Randolph Christopher Fitz Randolph Edward Fitz Randolph & Alice Thompson Edward Fitz Randolph & Frances Howes Elizabeth Fitz Randolph Thomas Fitz Randolph Richard Fitz Randolph Jane Fitz Randolph Catheren Fitz Randolph Anthony Fitz Randolph Nathaniel Fitz Randolph Ales Fitz Randolph Christopher Fitz Randolph John Fitz Randolph Hannah Fitz Randolph Joseph Fitz Randolph Edward Fitz Randolph & Elizabeth Blossom Captain John Pike & Elizabeth Blossom Thomas Blossom & Ann Palmer
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