3 | Francis Le Grand Capers, "Pedigree of the Capers Family" (Savannah, GA 1908 -
http://archive.org/details/pedigreeofcapers00cape). pp. 5-6 & 21.
Text From Source: William Capers, my grandfather, was born in St. Thomas Parish,
South Carolina, Oct. 13, 1758, and died on his plantation, "Woodland on the
Hills," Sumpter District, South Carolina, Dec. 12, 1812, and was buried there.
His wife was Hannah Coachman, of Georgetown, South Carohna. She came from a good
substantial family; they were married in 1803; there were three children by
this marriage, Benjamin Huger, Richard Coachman and Le Grand Guerry. He had been
married twice before, having ten children in all, and the most prominent of
these children was William, afterwards Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church
South. All the sons were ministers except my father, who, true to the instincts
of his father, followed the fortunes of a soldier till past middle life.
When the Revolutionary War broke out grandfather and his brother, my great
uncle, Sinclair, joined their fortunes with Marion. From "Saffell's Records of
the Revolutionary War," page 293, I quote as follows : "William Capers, First
Lieutenant Seventh Company Col. Francis Marion's South Carolina Regiment as it
stood November 1st, 1779."
William Capers as an officer in the Revolutionary War is also mentioned in
"Johnson's Traditions of the Revolution" and "Histman's Historical Register."
"Saffell's Record of the Revolution" is the highest possible authority in
Revolutionary matters. Any direct descendant can become a Son or Daughter of the
Revolution through this source.