Wilson of Broomhead, Bradfield, Yorkshire       Venables of Kinderton, Cheshire       Gyles of Sheldwich, Kent       Miller of Clan MacFarlane, Dunbartonshire       Nelson of Bandon-Bridge, County Cork        Nicklin of Eccleshall, Staffordshire       Lamont of Clan Lamont, Argyll       Ilsley of Illsley, Berkshire       Petit de Bagneux, Poitou-Charentes       More of Clan Muir, Ayrshire       Bloomfield of Mickfield, Suffolk       Cooke of Barton, Worcester       Cornell of Saffron Walden, Essex       Fitz Randolph of Langton Hall, Nottinghamshire       Hallet of Whitchurch, Middlesex       Hartshorne of Hathern Hall, Leicestershire       More of More Hall, Bolsterstone, Yorkshire       Raby of Mickfield, Suffolk       Seaman of Saffron Walden, of Essex       Stevens of Bradfield, Berkshire       Winthrop of Groton, Suffolk       Woolsey of Langhale-cum-Kirstead, Norfolk       Wortley of Wortley Hall, Tankersley, Yorkshire       Ferrers of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire
      Wilson of Broomhead, Bradfield, Yorkshire       Venables of Kinderton, Cheshire       Gyles of Sheldwich, Kent       Miller of Clan MacFarlane, Dunbartonshire       Nelson of Bandon-Bridge, County Cork        Nicklin of Eccleshall, Staffordshire       Lamont of Clan Lamont, Argyll       Ilsley of Illsley, Berkshire       Petit de Bagneux, Poitou-Charentes       More of Clan Muir, Ayrshire       Bloomfield of Mickfield, Suffolk       Cooke of Barton, Worcester       Cornell of Saffron Walden, Essex       Fitz Randolph of Langton Hall, Nottinghamshire       Hallet of Whitchurch, Middlesex       Hartshorne of Hathern Hall, Leicestershire       More of More Hall, Bolsterstone, Yorkshire       Raby of Mickfield, Suffolk       Seaman of Saffron Walden, of Essex       Stevens of Bradfield, Berkshire       Winthrop of Groton, Suffolk       Woolsey of Langhale-cum-Kirstead, Norfolk       Wortley of Wortley Hall, Tankersley, Yorkshire       Ferrers of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire
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See also
Nathaniel DONHAM's other family: with Mary SUTTON (1735-1774)
Nathaniel DONHAM's parents: John DUNHAM (1708-1810) and Hiley Ann UNKNOWN ( - )

Family of Nathaniel DONHAM and Keziah CROSLEY

Husband: Nathaniel DONHAM (1733-1812)
Wife: Keziah CROSLEY (1758-1820)
Children: Henry DONHAM (1776?-1852)
Abel DONHAM (1777-1853)
Amos DONHAM (1779?-aft1832)
Robert DONHAM (1782-1846?)
William DONHAM (1784-1849?)
Jonathan Singleton DONHAM (1786-1856)
Marriage 1774 (app) New Jersey

Husband: Nathaniel DONHAM

      Nathaniel DONHAM, "USAFLASH"    
Name: Nathaniel DONHAM 1
Sex: Male
Name Prefix: Patriot
Name Suffix: Jr.
Father: John DUNHAM (1708-1810)
Mother: Hiley Ann UNKNOWN ( - )
Birth 1733 Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA
Military frm 1777 to 1778 (age 43-45) Private 1st NJ Regiment Continental Troops; Valley Forge, Pennsylvania 2
Death 29 Sep 1812 (age 78-79) Clermont County, Ohio 3

Wife: Keziah CROSLEY

Name: Keziah CROSLEY 4
Sex: Female
Father: -
Mother: -
Birth 1758 New Jersey
Death 1820 (age 61-62) Clermont County, Ohio, USA

Child 1: Henry DONHAM

Name: Henry DONHAM 5
Sex: Male
Spouse: Mary LEE ( - )
Birth 1776 (app) Perth Amboy, Middlesex, New Jersey 3
Death 18 Dec 1852 (age 75-76) Riley, Vigo, IN 3

Child 2: Abel DONHAM

Name: Abel DONHAM 6
Sex: Male
Spouse 1: Elizabeth FERGUSON (1780-1851)
Spouse 2: Sarah Ann UNKNOWN ( - )
Birth 19 Aug 1777 Perth Amboy, Middlesex, New Jersey 3
Military fought War of 1812 7
Death 17 May 1853 (age 75) Clermont, Ohio, USA 3

Child 3: Amos DONHAM

Name: Amos DONHAM 3
Sex: Male
Birth 1779 (app) Greene, PA 3
Death aft 1832 (age 52-53) 3

Child 4: Robert DONHAM

Name: Robert DONHAM 3
Sex: Male
Spouse: Ruth FERGUSON ( - )
Birth 16 Feb 1782 Greene, PA 3
Death 1846 (app) (age 63-64) Clermont, Ohio, USA 3

Child 5: William DONHAM

Name: William DONHAM 3
Sex: Male
Spouse: Sarah ARTHUR (1783-aft1829)
Birth 13 Jun 1784 Mapleton, Greene, PA 3
Death 1849 (app) (age 64-65) Vigo, IN 3

Child 6: Jonathan Singleton DONHAM

      Jonathan Singleton DONHAM, "1812 US 28-star flag"    
Name: Jonathan Singleton DONHAM 3
Sex: Male
Spouse 1: Hila ROSS ( - )
Spouse 2: Elizabeth AYERS ( - )
Birth 16 Feb 1786 Greene, PA 3,5
Military frm 29 Jul 1813 to 13 Aug 1813 (age 27) Ensign in Capt. Haines' Mounted Company of Ohio Militia in the War of 1812
Will 10 Feb 1855 (age 68) Vigo, IN 8
Death 21 Sep 1856 (age 70) Clermont, Ohio, USA 3


1Scott T.S. Trimble, "Donham Family History" (1995-2000). http://www.ststlocations.com/Archives/Donham/AppendixA.
Text From Source: He was born in 1733 Woodbridge, Middlesex County, NJ.107 Previous books and histories say that he was the son of Nathaniel DONHAM Sr. and Joannah THORNELL. This was unlikely for two reasons. Nathaniel DONHAM Sr. was born in 1679, making him 54 when Nathaniel Jr. was born. Nathaniel DONHAM Sr. also already had a child named Nathaniel. This other Nathaniel DONHAM, who was born 17 October 1726, married an Elizabeth WILSON and moved to New York.

Brent SCHLOTTMAN, of Chandler, AZ, suggested on the Prodigy computer service in Fall 1994 that Nathaniel was actually the son of John DONHAM, and grandson of Nathaniel DONHAM Sr. Back then the title "Junior" only meant that there was someone older in town who had the same name, whether he was the father or not. John DONHAM, who was born in 1708, would have been of an appropriate age to be Nathaniel Jr.'s father. Also Nathaniel DONHAM Jr.'s oldest son's name was John — It was a common tradition to name the oldest son after the grandfather. Brent also said that Isaac Watson DUNHAM's book gave a clue by saying that this John DONHAM went to Pennsylvania. We know that Nathaniel DONHAM Jr. went to Pennsylvania and could have taken his father with him. There is still no proof of this relationship, as Nathaniel could easily be the child of any of Nathaniel DONHAM Sr.'s other sons, but it seems to be the most likely one at this point.

Another history says that Nathaniel DONHAM Jr. was the third child of the second marriage of his father. Further, "[The father] was twice married in New Jersey. By his former wife there was born to him but one child, christened by name John. By the second marriage there were three sons and one daughter. The sons were William, Jonathan, and Nathaniel...."108 John DONHAM Jr., the book says, got his father's estate. Jonathan DONHAM married and stayed in New Jersey. William DONHAM moved to northern Alabama.
STST Genealogy, http://www.ststlocations.com/Archives/Genealogy.
2"Valley Forge Legacy - The Muster Roll Project" (http://valleyforgemusterroll.org/index.asp). Text From Source: Private Nathaniel Dunham Rank and File
State: New Jersey
Division: Support
Brigade: Maxwell's
Regiment: 1st New Jersey
Company: Capt Isaac Morrison
DEC 1777 Deserted
JAN 1778 Deserted
FEB 1778 Deserted
MAR 1778 Deserted
APR 1778 Sick Present
MAY 1778 Sick Present
JUN 1778

Deserted August, 1777
Reenlisted April or May, 1778

Born: 1733, New Jersey
Died: September 29, 1812, Clermont Co., Ohio

Spouse: (1) Mary Sutton, (2) Kesiah Crosley
Children: Jonathan Singleton (m. Elizabeth Ayres), John (m. Elizabeth Brown), Abel (m. Elizabeth Ferguson), Mary (Henry Lee)

Source: DAR A034577
3Scott T.S. Trimble, "Donham Family History" (1995-2000). http://www.ststlocations.com/Archives/Donham/Chapter21/.
STST Genealogy, http://www.ststlocations.com/Archives/Genealogy.
4Ibid. http://www.ststlocations.com/Archives/Donham/AppendixA.
6Ibid. http://www.ststlocations.com/Archives/Donham/AppendixA.
Text From Source: Abel DONHAM Sr. was born 19 August 1777 in either Middlesex or Perth Amboy, Woodbridge County, New Jersey. He was the son of Nathaniel DONHAM Jr. and Keziah CROSLEY. At the time of Abel's birth, Nathaniel was serving in the 1st Regiment of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War. He deserted on 1 August 1777 and re-mustered in May 1778. This desertion was about two weeks before Abel was born. It appears that he probably left the army to be with Keziah when their son was born.

The 1880 Census for Abel's son Abel DONHAM Jr. lists that the father (Abel Sr.) was born in Pennsylvania, though other records have said that Abel was born in New Jersey. Apparently, the family did move to PA while Abel was still young.

In 1800 Ohio, Abel DONHAM married Elizabeth FERGUSON, born 21 March 1780 in Nottingham, Washington County, PA, daughter of Isaac FERGUSON and Elizabeth LEEDOM. They had fourteen children. Abel fought in the War of 1812.

Abel DONHAM wrote his will on 1 January 1847 and it mentions his wife Elizabeth. But Elizabeth then died 6 November 1851 in Clermont County, OH. On 2 September 1852 in Clermont County, Abel remarried to a widow Mrs. Sarah Ann HANCOCK.75 Abel died within the next eight months as his will was probated on 23 May 1853. I do not know how that was resolved in the courts. Abel DONHAM was buried at the Love Family Cemetery, Lindale, Ohio Township, Clermont County, Ohio. The will is as follows (from Clermont County will book G, page 142. Dated 1 Jan 1847, probated on 23 May 1853.):

I Abel DONHAM of Clermont County and State of Ohio being in perfect health of body and of sound and Disposing mind memory and understanding, considering the certainty of death and the uncertainty of time thereof and being Desirious to settle my worldly affairs and thereby be the better prepared to leave the world when it shall please God to call me home, do therefore make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say First and prinsapally I commend my soul to Almighty God and my body to the Earth to be Decently interre there. I Divise and bequeath as follows, first I Give and Bequeath to Elizabeth DONHAM my wife all my real and personal Estate During her Natural life and when my wife Elizabeth ceases to be then all my property and Estate Real and personal to be sold and Divided as follows. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Penina BUTLER one hundred Dollars 2nd I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elvira VERNADER Two hundred and fifty Dollars 3rd I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Julyann WHIDDEN three hundred Dollars 4th all the balance to be equally Divided amongest the rest of my Children that is to say all the residue of my Estate. Namely John DONHAM my son, Lewis DONHAM my son, Abel DONHAM my son, and my Daughters Sarah FitzPATRICK, Mary BHYMER, Elizabeth TRACY, Cynthia FERGUSON, Highleigh RANDAL, Nancy COLE, and Evaline CHAPMAN, and lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint Enoch TRACY and Solomon FitzPATRICK my sons in law to be sole Executors of this my last will and Testament. In testimony whereof I Abel DONHAM have hereunto set my hand and seal this first Day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty seven. Witnesses: George SAPP and Cyrus P. HAYFORD.
7Ibid. http://www.ststlocations.com/Archives/Donham/Chapter16/.
8Ibid. http://www.ststlocations.com/Archives/Donham/Chapter21/.
Text From Source: The will of Jonathan S. DONHAM (of Clermont County, OH) is in Vigo County will Book 1, page 94, dated 10 February 1855, and recorded 5 October 1859. An abstract shows that it lists daughter Elizabeth Caroline DONHAM, daughter Harriett DONHAM, daughter Eliza Mary DONHAM, daughter Hiley Ann DONHAM, daughter Florilla Jane DONHAM, daughter Eveline DONHAM, son Perry Jackson DONHAM, son Harrison Layfeett DONHAM, son Erasmus Johnathan DONHAM, and son Robert Warren DONHAM. Executors were Perry Jackson DONHAM and Leafeitte DONHAM. Witnesses were Robert F. WATKINS, Wm. HOBSON, and Nathan LAYCOCK.


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