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See also
Geoffrey WALDERSELF's father: Elias de WALDERSHELF (1165?- )
Geoffrey WALDERSELF's brother: Henry de WALDESHEF ( -bef1243)

Family of Geoffrey de WALDERSELF

Husband: Geoffrey de WALDERSELF (1180?- )
Wife: (unknown)
Children: Thomas WALDERSHAUE ( - )
Saer de WALDERSHEF ( - )

Husband: Geoffrey de WALDERSELF

Name: Geoffrey de WALDERSELF
Sex: Male
Father: Elias de WALDERSHELF (1165?- )
Mother: -
Birth 1180 (est)
Civil Apr 1208 (age 27-28) witness to release of rights to land in Penisale 1
Caution The documentation of this person does not include evidence of parentage.

Child 1: Thomas WALDERSHAUE

Sex: Male
Caution The documentation of this person does not include evidence of parentage.
Military 3 May 1254 part of escort for queen Eleanor going to Gascony to join king Henry III 2

Child 2: Saer de WALDERSHEF

Name: Saer de WALDERSHEF
Sex: Male
Civil 6 May 1257 Represented Beatrice de Marton of Lincolnshire in a suit against the abbott of Kyrkestede.; York, Yorkshire, England 3
Caution The documentation of this person does not include evidence of parentage.


1William Farrer, "Early Yorkshire Charters" (Ballantyne, hanson & Co., Edinburgh 1916). vol 3, p 415.
pp 414-415

1798. Grant by Peter son of Adam de Birkethwaite to the monks 81. of Kirkstead of land in the parish of Penistone which Richard de Halghes held of the grantor's father, namely from Richard's curtilage to the water-course flowing before Richard's door into the river Don towards Penisale, the service of William Hallesword with his tenement, and all things within Penisale except the bovate of John de Stainbrough ; also other 3 bovates there, and the land which Robert de Billeclif held of the grantor's father in Bilcliffe (in Langsett), with other parcels, and common of pasture in Langsett and Swindon and in his woods, except in Hordron. April, 1208.

Chartul. of Kirkstead; Cott. MS., Vesp. E. xviii, f. 134.

Notum sit omnibus presentibus et futuris quod ego Petrus filius Ade de Birketheyt concessi et dedi et presenti carta confirmavi Deo et ecclesie Sancte Marie et monachis de Kirkestede in puram et perpetuam elemosinam totam terram quam Ricardus de Halgges tenuit de Adam patre meo in parochiade Peniggestun sicut metis comprehenditur et quicquid infra metas continetur. Et quicquid est a curte Ricardi usque ad ductulum qui descendit ante hostium ejusdem Ricardi in Don versus Peniggeshal' ; et servitium Willelmi Hallesword' et heredum ejus cum toto tenemento ejusdem Willelmi; et quicquid infra metas de Peniggehall' continetur cum omnibus edificiis suis et clausis preter bovatam Johannis de Staigburc et alias tres bovatas quas tenet de me per aliam cartam. Dedi etiam eis totam terram quam Robertus de Billeclif tenuit de patre meo in Billeclif in bosco et piano sine aliquo retenemento. Et unam rodam juxta ductilum ex occidentali parte terre Ricardi de Halgges. Omnia hec dedi eis ad claudendum et fossandum et faciendum inde quod voluerint, salva Willelmo Hallesword' tenura sua. Preterea dedi eis duas rodas, unam quam Hugo filius Adelfi tenuit, aliam quam Alexander tenuit, ita quod a nemine claudentur nee arabuntur; et communem pasturam omnibus pecoribus suis per totum territorium de Langgesid' et Swineden in bosco et piano et omnibus aliis locis preter in Horderne ab initio Aprilis usque ad festum Sancti Jacobi, et ipsi monachi capient in boscis meis omnia necessaria ibidem commorantibus ad usum animalibus et pessionem porcis eorum preter in Horderne. Omnia predicta habebunt idem monachi et tenebunt cum liberis introitibus et exitibus et omnibus proficuis et asiamentis in puram et perpetuam elemosinam sine omni seculari servitio et consuetudine et exactione. Et sciendum quod ego et heredes mei non communicabimus cum pecoribus monachorum infra divisas de Peniggeshal', nee aliquem alium illis communicare permittemus nisi per voluntatem eorum, sed nee recipiemus aliquos homines de religione vel eorum pecora infra divisas de Langgesid' et Swineden, nee etiam vendemus aut invadiabimus alicui homini aliquid de terra mea infra predictas divisas, nisi eisdem monachis, si tamen dare voluerint quantum alias rationabiliter dare voluerit. Et de communi bosco et pastura non amplius includi vel esartari permittemus quam inclusum et esartatum fuit anno Incarnationis Dominice M. CC. VIIJ. ;nense Aprilis. Et ego et heredes mei warantizabimus omnia predicta monachis predictis contra omnes homines imperpetuum. Hiis testibus : Johanne de Builli, Radulfo persona de Heclesfeld, Willelmo persona de Peniggestun, Nicholao de Wrteleby, Roberto de Hecclesfeld', Roberto de Halwardertheyt, Willelmo de Reenes.

Adam son of Richard de Halges, with the advice and consent of Alan and Ellis his brothers, released to the monks his right in the land which Richard his father held of the grantor of this charter.
The witnesses were : Hugh de Wrtley in whose hand he made affirmation to observe the release, Robert de Stanfeld, Geoffrey de Walderself, William de Ketstefne, Roger de Gresebroc, Simon de Scheldeby, Gerard de Sailly, Geoffrey Noteman. 1

Peter de Birkethwaite was probably living 1230-1236, when he held a 4th part of a knight's fee of the honor of Pontefract. 2 He died some time before January, 1241, when Juliana his daughter conveyed the manor of Langsett with Bilcliffe, Penisale (" Penihishale "), Swinden, and the demesnes, services and all feudal rights to Walter de Ludham. 3 In 1243 Walter de Ludham by agreement with Hugh abbot of Kirkstead granted that the convent should have 60 of the cattle from their grange of Sunnolfclif in the common pasture of Langsett, according to the charter of Peter son of Adam de Birkethwaite. 4 In 1255 and for some time previous the manor of Langsett with the said hamlets was held in fee by Ellis de Middehope of Walter de Ludham at a fee farm rent of ^10 per annum, payable by moieties in the greater church at Blythe at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin and Candlemas, and secured upon the lands of Ellis in Crossland and Meltham besides those described above. 5

On 3 November, 1226, Peter de Birkethwaite recovered from Adam de Hoyland 40 acres of land in Bilcliffe and afterwards granted this land and that of Thomas de Billeclive in the same place to Adam to hold for 5s. yearly. 6 In January, 1241, Juliana daughter of Peter recovered from Richard Brassard and Eda his wife 8 bovates in Birkethweit, now Birthwaite, and in Langsett, and gave Richard and Eda 4 marks for their release. William de Shippele, Cecily his wife, William de Roreston and Richard son of Cecily also joined in the release to Juliana. 7

Dr. Hunter states that Juliana was the wife of John de Rockleyand that in 42 Henry III in her widowhood she released to William son of Peter de Rockley her manor of Birthwaite which came to her by hereditary right after the death of Peter de Birkethwaite, whose daughter and heir she was. 8 The descent of the Rockleys from the Birkethwaites receives confirmation from a charter of Peter son of John de Rockley to Gilbert son of William de Nevill granting for his homage and service two tofts late of Hanne Kyng in Birthwaite for i%d. yearly. Witnesses : Adam de Holand, Robert de Turs, Robert son of Berard de Bergh, Roger son of Roger of the same (i.e. of Baragh), John de Rupe, Hugh son of Adam de Keceburg, Roger le Franceis, Serlo de Byrkethwayt. 9

Peter de Birkethwaite had a brother Robert de Birkethwaite to whom he gave a carucate in Cudworth (Cud'wrd'), which Ailsi the hunter held, to hold for 2 silver spurs or id. yearly.
Witnesses : Absolon priest of Dertun, John Tyrel, John de Hainburc, Richard parson of Felekirke, Hugh de Swalewehil, William son of Helias, Peter de Hoderode, Adam de Swalewehil, John de Byrkethwaite, Adam parson of Hetun, Berard de Berhe, Thomas son of Absolon, Thomas de Quernebi, Ralph Tyrel. 10 Henry de Byrkethwaite had a daughter Joan who had from her father land in Clayton and Woolley in marriage with William son of Adam Achard. 11

Chartul., f. 135. - Testa, 365.
Feet of F., 36, n. 34. * Chartul. of Kirkstead, f. 137.
Feet of F., 47, n. 43. 6 ib., 21, n. 178.
Ibid., 35, n. 10. 8 5. Yorks., ii, 376.
Dodsw. MS. viii, f. 241. 10 ib., f. 242. n ib., f. 260.
2"Patent Roll of Henry III Volume 4 1247-1258". pp. 374-377.
University of Iowa Library,
3"Final Concords for Lincolnshire - 41 Henry III". Case 131, File 40, No. 6.
Text From Source: At York; from Easter in one month, 41 Henry III, [6 May, 1257].

Between Beatrice de Marton, querent, by Saer Waldeshef put in her place, and William abbot of Kyrkestede, deforciant, by brother Nigel, his monk, put in his place, of common of pasture which Beatrice claimed to have in the abbot's marsh in Marton.

Plea. Beatrice has quitclaimed from herself and her heirs to the abbot and his successors and his church all the right and claim which she had of having or demanding any common of pasture in the marsh, by the metes and bounds written below, for ever, to wit, in length from Le Twercdik' to the waters of Wyme, and in breadth from le Bothedik' to Halledik'. And for this the abbot has given Beatrice 3½ marks of silver.
Final Concords of the County of Lincoln: 1244-1272 (1920), pp. 127-144. URL: Date accessed: 10 July 2012.


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