Wilson of Broomhead, Bradfield, Yorkshire       Venables of Kinderton, Cheshire       Gyles of Sheldwich, Kent       Miller of Clan MacFarlane, Dunbartonshire       Nelson of Bandon-Bridge, County Cork        Nicklin of Eccleshall, Staffordshire       Lamont of Clan Lamont, Argyll       Ilsley of Illsley, Berkshire       Petit de Bagneux, Poitou-Charentes       More of Clan Muir, Ayrshire       Bloomfield of Mickfield, Suffolk       Cooke of Barton, Worcester       Cornell of Saffron Walden, Essex       Fitz Randolph of Langton Hall, Nottinghamshire       Hallet of Whitchurch, Middlesex       Hartshorne of Hathern Hall, Leicestershire       More of More Hall, Bolsterstone, Yorkshire       Raby of Mickfield, Suffolk       Seaman of Saffron Walden, of Essex       Stevens of Bradfield, Berkshire       Winthrop of Groton, Suffolk       Woolsey of Langhale-cum-Kirstead, Norfolk       Wortley of Wortley Hall, Tankersley, Yorkshire       Ferrers of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire
      Wilson of Broomhead, Bradfield, Yorkshire       Venables of Kinderton, Cheshire       Gyles of Sheldwich, Kent       Miller of Clan MacFarlane, Dunbartonshire       Nelson of Bandon-Bridge, County Cork        Nicklin of Eccleshall, Staffordshire       Lamont of Clan Lamont, Argyll       Ilsley of Illsley, Berkshire       Petit de Bagneux, Poitou-Charentes       More of Clan Muir, Ayrshire       Bloomfield of Mickfield, Suffolk       Cooke of Barton, Worcester       Cornell of Saffron Walden, Essex       Fitz Randolph of Langton Hall, Nottinghamshire       Hallet of Whitchurch, Middlesex       Hartshorne of Hathern Hall, Leicestershire       More of More Hall, Bolsterstone, Yorkshire       Raby of Mickfield, Suffolk       Seaman of Saffron Walden, of Essex       Stevens of Bradfield, Berkshire       Winthrop of Groton, Suffolk       Woolsey of Langhale-cum-Kirstead, Norfolk       Wortley of Wortley Hall, Tankersley, Yorkshire       Ferrers of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire
Baby of the Beach, Home Page!


See also
Mary ROLPH's sister: Esther ROLPH (1685-1742)

Family of Benjamin DUNHAM alias Singletary and Mary ROLPH

Husband: Benjamin DUNHAM alias Singletary (1681-1715)
Wife: Mary ROLPH (1681- )
Children: Richard DUNHAM (1707- )
Jonathan DUNHAM (1710-1748)
Katherine DUNHAM (1712- )
Benjamin DUNHAM (1712- )
Marriage 1706 (app) Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey

Husband: Benjamin DUNHAM alias Singletary

      Benjamin DUNHAM alias Singletary, "Musketman8"    
Name: Benjamin DUNHAM alias Singletary 1
Sex: Male
Father: Jonathan DUNHAM alias Singletary (1640-bef1724)
Mother: Mary BLOOMFIELD (1642-1705)
Birth 22 Aug 1681 Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey 2
Military 1715 (age 33-34) Militiaman in Col. Thomas Ffarmer's regiment; Middlesex, New Jersey, USA 3
Death 31 Dec 1715 (age 34) Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey

Wife: Mary ROLPH

Name: Mary ROLPH
Sex: Female
Father: John ROLPH (1634-1681)
Mother: Mary SCULLARD (1642-1687)
Birth 1681 Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey

Child 1: Richard DUNHAM

Name: Richard DUNHAM 4
Sex: Male
Birth 28 May 1707 Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey 5

Child 2: Jonathan DUNHAM

Name: Jonathan DUNHAM 6,7
Sex: Male
Spouse: Mary SMITH (1717-1791)
Birth 7 Jan 1710 Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey 6,8
Religion Quaker
Will 31 Jan 1748 (age 38) Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA 9
Death 21 Sep 1748 (age 38) Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey 6

Child 3: Katherine DUNHAM

Name: Katherine DUNHAM 4
Sex: Female
Birth 12 Mar 1712 Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey 10

Child 4: Benjamin DUNHAM

Name: Benjamin DUNHAM 4
Sex: Male
Birth 4 Dec 1712 Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey 11

Note on Husband: Benjamin DUNHAM alias Singletary - shared note

from Ancestors and Descendants of Lewis Ross Freeman, 1995, p 543


22 BENJAMIN DUNHAM DURHAM Bloomfield b Woodbridge Footbridge 22 Aug Au

1681 VR d Woodbridge Footbridge 31 Dec 1715 bur Epis Epics Cern Cem Woodbridge Footbridge m Mary Rolfe Role

His tombstone inscription reads Here Lyes Lyres Buried the Body of Mr Benjamin Dunham Durham Unthaw

Who Deceased December 1715 in ye Year of his age

In 1711 when some people became dissatisfied dissatisfied with ith Dunham Durham threw his weight behind the movement to tote

the towns town's preacher the Rev Samuel Wade ten men men build builda church which lunch was to occupy a lot on the green greenmail


including cloud the InfluentIal BenjamIn Dunham Dunham Durham Invited Invited north Northof the meeting house given to the Episcopalians Episcopalians

Edward Vaughan of Elizabethtown Elizabeth of the Anglican by general consent consent as a part ofthe two hundred acres Christchurch

Church to visit them at his convenience The assIgned for church purposes In the town charter cha- rter faithful gathered gatheredmin the town house meeting or in the granted by Governor Philip Carteret Carter Nelson Nelson Rhome


home of the most prominent member Benjamin Burr The AnglIcan Church In New Jersey 1954 pPutnam


Dunham Durham HIs house probably stood stoodat Donation

Just north ofthe meeting meet house green Benjamin

1706 July 29 Donham Doha Benjamin Benjamm of Woodbridge Footbridge Middlesex Co inhaler will of lowlife

Wife Mary sole heiress and executrix of real and personal estate Witnesses Samuel Sa- muel Burwell Unreel Wm Bunn Bunny John Sardo Sard Ardor Proved before hIS Excellency Robert Hunter Esq

Governour Governor etc NJ Arch NOTE NOTE- Note Will does not have a probate date

Children b Woodbridge Footbridge VR

62 i Richard Dunham Durham b 28 May 1707

63 ii Katherine Dunham Durham b 12 May 1708 or 1712

64 iii it Jonathan Dunham Durham b 7 Jan 1710 11


1Patty Barthell Myers, "Ancestors and Descendants of Lewis Ross Freeman" (Name: 1995;). p. 543.
Text From Source: His tombstone inscription reads: "Here Lyes Buried the Body of Mr. Benjamin Dunham Who Deceased Decmb 31st 1715 in ye Year of his age."

In 1711, when some people became dissatisfied with the town's preacher, the Rev. Samuel Wade, ten men, including the InfluentIal BenjamIn Dunham, invited Edward
Vaughan of Elizabethtown [of the Anglican Church] to visit them at his convenience. . . . The faithful gathered in the town meeting-house, or in the home of the most prominent member, Benjamin Dunham. HIs house probably stood at Dunhamtown, just north of the meeting house green. . . . Benjamin Dunham threw his weight behind the movement to
build a church, which was to occupy a lot on the green north the meeting house, given to the Episcopalians by general consent, as a part of the two hundred acres assIgned for church purposes In the town charter granted by Governor Philip Carteret. . . . (Nelson R.
Bur,r The Anglican Church In New Jersey, 1954, p. 510.)

1706 July 29. Donham, Benjamin, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., innholder, will of. Wife Mary sole heiress and executrix of real and personal estate. Witnesses -- Samuel Burwell, Wm. Bunn, John Sard. Proved before his Excellency Robert Hunter Esq.
Governour etc. (N.J. Arch., 23:140.) NOTE: Will does not have a probate date.
2Reverand Joseph Dally, "Woodbridge and Vicinity" (Name: A.E. Gordon; New Brunswick, N.J.; 1873;). p. 327.
Text From Source: Benjamin Dunham the Son of ye aforesaid Jonathan and Mary his wife Born August ye 22nd Anno. 1681.
3Patty Barthell Myers, "Ancestors and Descendants of Lewis Ross Freeman" (Name: 1995;). p. 542.
4Ibid. p. 543.
5Reverand Joseph Dally, "Woodbridge and Vicinity" (Name: A.E. Gordon; New Brunswick, N.J.; 1873;). p. 327.
Text From Source: Richard Dunham Son of Benjamin Dunham and Mary his wife was Born ye 28th day of May 1707, about a 11 of the Clock in ye Morning.
6Ancestry.com, "One World Tree (sm)" (Name: Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., n.d.;). Text From Source: Online publication - Ancestry.com. OneWorldTree [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc.
7Patty Barthell Myers, "Ancestors and Descendants of Lewis Ross Freeman" (Name: 1995;). pp. 552-553 & p. 543.
8Reverand Joseph Dally, "Woodbridge and Vicinity" (Name: A.E. Gordon; New Brunswick, N.J.; 1873;). p. 328.
Text From Source: Jonathan Dunham Son of Benjamin Dunham and Mary his wife was Born January ye 7th 1710.
9"New Jersey Archive". v.30, p.155.
Text From Source: 1747-8, Jan. 31. Dunham, Jonathan, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Mary Dunham. Six children, under 15 years of age; Benjamin, only child mentioned by name. Bond of Gershom Moore. Real and personal estate. Executors—friends Robert Fitz- Randolph, Charles March, David Donham, Jun'r. Proved Jan. 3, 1748.
Lib. E, p. 237.

1748, Jan. 25. Inventory, £166.13.11; made by John Moores, Jonathan Frazee.
10Reverand Joseph Dally, "Woodbridge and Vicinity" (Name: A.E. Gordon; New Brunswick, N.J.; 1873;). p. 328.
Text From Source: Katherine Dunham Daughter of Benjamin Dunham and Mary his wife was Born March ye 12th 1712.
11Ibid. p. 328.
Text From Source: Benjamin Dunham Son of Benjamin Dunham and Mary his wife was Born December 4th 1712.


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