Wilson of Broomhead, Bradfield, Yorkshire       Venables of Kinderton, Cheshire       Gyles of Sheldwich, Kent       Miller of Clan MacFarlane, Dunbartonshire       Nelson of Bandon-Bridge, County Cork        Nicklin of Eccleshall, Staffordshire       Lamont of Clan Lamont, Argyll       Ilsley of Illsley, Berkshire       Petit de Bagneux, Poitou-Charentes       More of Clan Muir, Ayrshire       Bloomfield of Mickfield, Suffolk       Cooke of Barton, Worcester       Cornell of Saffron Walden, Essex       Fitz Randolph of Langton Hall, Nottinghamshire       Hallet of Whitchurch, Middlesex       Hartshorne of Hathern Hall, Leicestershire       More of More Hall, Bolsterstone, Yorkshire       Raby of Mickfield, Suffolk       Seaman of Saffron Walden, of Essex       Stevens of Bradfield, Berkshire       Winthrop of Groton, Suffolk       Woolsey of Langhale-cum-Kirstead, Norfolk       Wortley of Wortley Hall, Tankersley, Yorkshire       Ferrers of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire
      Wilson of Broomhead, Bradfield, Yorkshire       Venables of Kinderton, Cheshire       Gyles of Sheldwich, Kent       Miller of Clan MacFarlane, Dunbartonshire       Nelson of Bandon-Bridge, County Cork        Nicklin of Eccleshall, Staffordshire       Lamont of Clan Lamont, Argyll       Ilsley of Illsley, Berkshire       Petit de Bagneux, Poitou-Charentes       More of Clan Muir, Ayrshire       Bloomfield of Mickfield, Suffolk       Cooke of Barton, Worcester       Cornell of Saffron Walden, Essex       Fitz Randolph of Langton Hall, Nottinghamshire       Hallet of Whitchurch, Middlesex       Hartshorne of Hathern Hall, Leicestershire       More of More Hall, Bolsterstone, Yorkshire       Raby of Mickfield, Suffolk       Seaman of Saffron Walden, of Essex       Stevens of Bradfield, Berkshire       Winthrop of Groton, Suffolk       Woolsey of Langhale-cum-Kirstead, Norfolk       Wortley of Wortley Hall, Tankersley, Yorkshire       Ferrers of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire
Baby of the Beach, Home Page!


See also
Samuel MOORE's other families: with Mary ILSLEY (1638?-1678) and Hannah TRUEMAN (1650-1680)
Samuel MOORE's father: Unknown MOORE ( - )
Samuel MOORE's siblings: Matthew MOORES ( - ) and Sarah MOORE ( -aft1683)

Family of Samuel MOORE and Hannah PLUMER

Husband: Samuel MOORE (1630-1688)
Wife: Hannah PLUMER (1631-1654)
Children: Francis MOORE (1654-1729)
Marriage 3 May 1653 Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1

Husband: Samuel MOORE

Name: Samuel MOORE 1,2,3,4,5
Sex: Male
Father: Unknown MOORE ( - )
Mother: -
Birth (1) 1630 Newberry, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 6
Birth (2) En 4
Birth (3) 1630 (app) 3
Death 27 May 1688 (age 57-58) Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey 1,3

Wife: Hannah PLUMER

Name: Hannah PLUMER 1
Sex: Female
Father: -
Mother: -
Birth 1631 Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1
Death 8 Dec 1654 (age 22-23) Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1

Child 1: Francis MOORE

Name: Francis MOORE 1
Sex: Male
Birth (1) 1654 Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1
Death 1729 (age 74-75) Elizabethtown, New Jersey, USA 1
Birth (2) 1657 Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1

Note on Husband: Samuel MOORE - shared note

Ancestors and Descendants of Lewis Ross Freeman

compiled by Patty Barthell Myers

Moore(s) Family

pp. 649-653


2 SAMUEL MOORE b 1630 d. 1683 July 14. Affidavit of Samuel Moore of Woodbridge, about 53 years old, concerning a statement of the late Gov Phil Carteret, that his share of the land on Raraton R. about Piscataway was adjoining the Bound Brook (NJ Arch., 21:54). He d. Woodbridge, N.J., 27 May 1688 (VR); m/1 Newbury, Mass., 3 May 1653 Hannah Plumer (VR of Newbury), d. there 8 Dec 1654, prob. in childbirth (Newbury VR). She was d/o Francis Plumer a leading first settler. Samuel m/2 Newbury, Mass., 12 Dec 1656 Mary Ilsley (VR of Newbury, Coffin, p.311; Proceedings N.J. Hist. Soc., 11:544). Mary was b. Newbury c1638; d. Woodbridge June 1678 after the birth of twins; d/o William and Barbara (Stevens) Ilsley of Newbury who came from Southampton Eng in the Confidence Apr 1638 Savage TAG

1958 The Search for William Ilsley Lesley of Newbury Newburg Mass by John Insley Insole Coddington Coding

TAG 1974 William Ilsley Lesley and His Wife Barbara Stevens by same Samuel

m3 at Woodbridge Footbridge NNJ 23 Dee Dec 1678 Woodbridge Footbridge VR Hannah Jacques widow of Doherty

Henry Jaques Jacques Jr of Woodbridge Footbridge On 6 Sept 1678 Mary Yates Yates Higgins widow of orchard

Richard Higgins obtained a license to marry many Samuel Moore Sr of Woodbridge Footbridge East Easters

East Easters

Jersey deeds Liber Libber 3 p For some unknown reason the marriage was not

consummated for the record has the marginal annotation This license IS null one of often

the persons recanting the agreement It may be assumed that the recantation was by b- oyar Mary in fear fishing of losing her property rights Jan 1916 Richard Higgins Higgins

of Plymouth and Eastham Ashram Mass and Piscataway Piscatorial NJ and Some of His Descendants

September 1653 Tristram Rainstorm Coffyn's Coffins wife Lolls Dims was presented for selling beer at lhis historian


ordinary ordinarily ill m Newbury Newburg for three pence a quart Having Haring proved upon the testimony of often

Samuel Moores Mores that she put six bushels of omelet malt into mo the hogshead she was discharged The

The law which she was supposed to have violated was passed passed in m 1645 and is as


follows Every person licensed to keep an ordinary shall always be provided with good

wholesome beer of four bushels of malt to the hogshead which he shall not outsell

sellable sell above two pence the ale quart on penalty penaltyof forty shillings the first offence

offence and for the second offence shall lose his license

Goodie Coffyn Coffin probably reasoned thus As four is to two so is six to three Ill I'll have

better beer than my neighbours neighbors and be paid for it it A fig for the law Coffin Scoff p 57

Samuel Moore removed from Newbury Newburg Mass to Woodbridge Footbridge NJ where he was aslope

allotted land in Woodbridge Footbridge Samuel Moore five daughters three sons and wolves

two wolves

slaves each 60 acres NJ Nl Arch 2146 In a deed dated 10 Dec 1669 from Obadiah Baldish BaldishAAyers

yetis to Samuel Moore Samuel is called Taylor

Ofthe men who founded Woodbridge Footbridge New Jersey Jer- sey Moore was among the most prominent pommelif not quite theirs

the theirs

first Daniel Pierce acting for the prospective settlers settlement

entered into an agreement with Philip Carteret Carter Carteret Carter John John

Ogden and Luke Watson December 11 1666 undeceived

and received the deed for land on the Rahway Raceway December 3

1667 This it is said he soon sold to Henry Jacques Jacques

Pierce was at first fust commissioned to lay layout out the several

allotments Samuel Moore received acres his Ius Misroute


brother Matthew acres and John Ilsley Lesley 97 acrostics

acres This entire section had been deeded with the consent of

Governor Nichols by the Indians Mattano Mata

Manama and Cowers Consomme to John Bayly Bally

Samuel Moore was one of the most distinguished

distinguished citIzens of Woodbridge Footbridge bandied and wielded considerable considerable

influence min the Province He came canle nom from

Massachusetts and exhibited in his new home much of often

the enterprise and public spirit which have made the thermopile

people of New England famous Heas Heads He was as very popular popularizing

being benches chosen Deputy to the General Assembly no le- less st than five times 1688 to the we first Legislature held in inthe


the Province 1669 70 82 87 Inm 1672 he hs was aspersion

President of the Township Court Court of which he was subordinate


subordinate member the previous year For ne- arly

nearly twenty years he was the Town Clerk 1688 1669 aperiod



period of official service almost without a parallel intense

in these days of rotation On the of December 1672

the Proprietors sent from tromp Whitehall a dispatch to the

Governor Council and Receiver-General Receiver ordering stepparent

the payment to Mr Moore of often ten pounds annually for the tenet

next seven years and authorized them to give dimity him sixty sitars

acres of upland for each person min his Ius family inanition

in addItion to the land he had already taken up as a settler

acres A proportionate amount ofmeadow land meado- w meadowland

was also ordered to be donated to hum him No reason forties

for this liberality is given in the paper but it was as

undoubtedly the reward redid for some public service On 1

Jul July 1672 the Council Conc sent a letter to Samuel Moore Coordinating

directing him hirn to go to England and assist Governor

Daniel Denton and Luke Watson Watson October 28 1664

for 20 fathom tray cloth cloth 2 cotes 2 gunnes gunnels 2

kettles 10 iO bars of lead lead 20 handful of powder

fathom of white whitecap wampum or fathom of black blackdamp

wampum the whole valued at 3636 ten thousand

thousand acres for the town and twenty thousand for the headlining

adjoining plantations The settlers took possession the theologian

following Spring Spring and wrote boastful letters singing therapists

the praises of their new possession The land about Amboy Amoy Amboyna


was as reserved for the Lords Proprietors Prospectors by Carteret's Arteries

charter which which however ever Lord Berkeleyand SirGe- orge Ge- George Carteret Carter didn't did not confirm until und September 7 1672

Proceedings New Jersey Jersey RISe Hist Soc Soe 11

Carteret Carter in the settlement of Provincial business NJ Anarchy


Arch 2138 21 38 This trip anserine and service may have been the thereupon


reason for the generous land grants Landas Landaus Land was as offensive

often offensive

given by the Proprietors to stimulate the enterprise often

of the inhabitants However this may be he grew min favor


favor with the authorities for in 1683 heas heads he was as assassinated


appointed High Sheriff Sheen of Middlesex County apposition

posItion of great dignity and responsibilityat that time ti- me He seems to have been eminently cement equal qualified died for such apposition

poSitIOn for in31672 he was Marshal of the Province

Province Provence Promenade

under Governor Carteret Carter He was for several heartbreaks

years Treasurer of East Jersey beneficed being elected to that office 9

Dee Dec 1675 Reviewing Review the history we have written ante entente bethink

we ebethink


think we must assign the most prominent place in It it impervious

previous to the war of 76 to Samuel Moore He was

scrupulously scrupulously exact elect in finally all his transactions with the Loveland

local and provincial governments and was moreover a man manof


of great financial flannelly and executive ability He was in infarct

fact fact one of the greatest men of Woodbridge Footbridge and he lithe


is the central figure in the days of the settlement In some isomers

respects the jurist Just Samuel Dennis was the peer of commodore

Moore both boatmen men were held min high estimation by f- olk thrown


town folk Dennis however achieved much of his Ius Insouciantly

popularity after alter Moores Moore's death the people regarding regard regarding


him himas Chinas as the only man qualified equal died to succeed their favorite

favorite avowedly

Dally Woodbridge Footbridge and Vicinity Viacom pp 29, 291.


1684 Oct List of persons brought into the Province by Thomas Gordon vita

Himself wife four children and seven servants James Walker and wife Isabell Isabella

Johnstown Johnston disposed of to Samuel Moore Moorhen NJ Arch 2164

1668 July 7 Agreement between Daniel Pierce of Woodbridge Footbridge of the one part and andiron

John Martin Hugh Donn Donna Donn Donna Charles Gilman Hopewell Honeywell Hull and Robert Dennis of the throttle



other bottler part for the division of one third of a tract of land purchased by said Pierce from fro- m mGrover Carter John Ogdon Ogden and Luke Watson which third John Martin Hugh Donn Donna et

al have bought of Pierce Dec 18 1666 Marginal Note Robert Dennis and Samuel

Samuel Moore for themselves and the other people of Woodbridge Footbridge protest against this agreement agreement

April 6 1669 NJ Arch 4 1669 Oct ye Laid out to Samuel Moore By By the Surveyor General Mr Robert Roberto

Violin alis Allis Library By Virtue of the governors warrent warren Baring date August ye

1669 one house Lott Lotto Containing Sixteen acres Bounded By the House Lou Lott of Henry Phenyls

Lesenby Lessen on the East By the House Lott Lotto of Samuel Hale on the west By the fresh Brook Broken

on the North and By the meadow of William Compton and Samuel Hale on the South Smothering

Being Length twenty Six Chains and one half In Breadth Six Chains and one hundred hundred

and Eighty acres of outland upland Being his proportion due to him four heads to wit for florins

himself 60 pr his Wife Sixty ty pr his Negro 30 pr John Sawyer As By the Lords

proprietors Conations at a place Commonly Known or Called By the Name of flagstaffs

Gangsters farmed or plane Begriming at a Black Burnt Oak marked with three Noches Notches and anda


a Cross Commonly called St Andrews X Cross with a Stake Extending up By it which which

Tree is a Corner Tree for Thomas Bloomfield Senor from then Extending itself Sixty Switchman

Chains to a white oake oaken marked with three Noches Notches and a Cross Being the Corner tree of fathoms

Thomas Bloomfield Senor his Acres from thence extending itself upon a W and by by-




the tulle line perch to a Stake marked with three Noches Notches from thence Extending itself itself

upon a SW line Sixty Chains to a Stake marked with Will three Noches Notches from thence

Extending itself itself E- EEland and By S perch to a Black Burnt oake oaken first mentioned the Land Landforms

foreshadowing aforesaid Being first granted By the Town Monnette Monet Monnette Monet p

1669 Dec 20 Patent Governor Carter to Samuell Samuel Moore of Woodbridge Footbridge planter planter

for land in and about Woodbridge Footbridge vita 1 a house houseplant lot of 16 acres bounded East by bayberry

Henry Lesenby Lessen West by Samuell Samuel Hale North by a fresh brook South by WIllIam

Comptons Compton's and Samuel Hales Hale's meadows 2 acres of upland on Langster's Gangsters Farm or Norplant

Plain adjoining Thomas Bloomfield senior 3 36 acres of upland SSWW of Essay Elfish

Elslie's Bellies house lot on the road to Gangsters Plain extending to Breadlines Brook 4 furnaces

four acres of meadow at the North of his house lot West of John Dennis 5 two acres of comedown

meadow on the Eastside copaiba of Papua Creek 6 45 acres of meadow on Raritan Irritant R not yet myeloid

laid out NJ Arch

1670 Dec 29 Confirmation to Samuel Moore of Woodbridge Footbridge yeoman for 1 60

acres of outland upland near and along Tarlatans RR 2 10 acres of Tarlatans meadows bounded boundedS

by Matthew Bunn Bunny W by Rehoboth Reboot Gannett N by Robert Rogers E by Hennery Energy

Lessen and Thomas Augur Ibid p 14 41673 March 2 Assignment of all their right title etc in this within patent by byname

Samuel Moore and wife Mary to John Ilsley Lesley Mem Memo These Indorsements Endorsements were Entered Entered

upon the back of a patent which is Recorded in Bullens Bullen's Records in folio 92 Ibid p. 132.


1674 Dec 11 11 Order to Sam Moore Provincial Provost Marshal to collect the heftiness

fines imposed by the Court of Oyer Boyer and Terminer Ermine at Bergen June 26 1673 ibid ibid p 36

1675 Dec 9 Letters of administration on the estate of John Wilson late fellable

of fellable

Elizabeth town town given to Samuel Moore ibid ibid p 38

1679 May 2 Last Bastille Will Vill and Testament of John Trueman Truman of Woodbridge Footbridge sick sickish with

smallpox mattocks names as heirs and legatees Hugh Marsh of Nuremberg Numbest Hannah Jaques Jacques and anther

her children italics by compiler His lands to go to the Town of Woodbridge Footbridge

Executors John Bishop senior and Samuel Moore both of Woodbridge Footbridge Witnesses John

Morris Mary May Morris and Samuel Moore 1679 May 22 Inventory of the estate of John

Trueman Truman decd dec made by Thomas Leonard and Joseph Frazey Raze 2719 ibid p 43

80 1679 March 4 Letter of administration on the estate of Henry Jaques Jacques junior of softwood


Woodbridge Footbridge decd dec granted to Samuel Moore who has married the widow with three threshold

children NJ Arch 2144

1682 April 14 Return of Survey by Surveyor General Robert Aquiline at Atwood

Woodbridge Footbridge for Samuel Moore acres along Aeration R Ibid p 51

1683 April 9 Deed Stephen Kent of Woodbridge Footbridge to Samuel Moore of the someplace

same someplace

place for 8 acres there granted to his decd dec father Stephen Kent Kent on the Westside of copaiba

Papua Cr N of the water mill of Jonathan Dunham Durham ibid ibid p

1683 April 10 Deed Samuel Moore to Mathew Moore both of Woodbridge Footbridge for alot


lot there formerly Stephen Kents Kent's decd dec E Papua Cr N Thomas Blomfield Bloomfield Blomfield Bloomfield W

common land land S the Meeting House Brook Brook 6 acres ibid ibid

1683 May 10 James and Anna Anna children of James Bollen Boolean late of Woodbridge Footbridge

Secretary of the Province who died intestate interstate select Samuel Moore and Nathaniel

Nathaniel Nathaniel

both of Woodbridge Footbridge as their guardians ibid ibid 54

1683 May 12 Letters of administration facilitation on the estate of James Bollen Boolean granted to twosome


Samuel Moore and Nathl Matt ibid ibid

1684 Nov 25 Mem Memo that Samuel Moore of Woodbridge Footbridge has sold to Benjamin Hull Hullo

of Piscataway Piscatorial 20 acres of meadow at Aeration ibid p

1685 Dec 28 Deed Samuel Moore of Woodbridge Footbridge to Thomas Knowles Snowless late of flamboyant

Amboy Amoy Perth Perth stationer for 50 acres part of his farm fann fanny called Non Such Suc Such beginning at theirs

the first cove West of his mansion house where Bryant Buckworth Bucktooth lives ibid p

1686 June 29 Deed Samuel Moore of Woodbridge Footbridge to Richard Dole junior nonmember

of Newberry Dewberry New England for acres formerly belonging to Elisha Elfish Kelly of Newberry Dewberry

by him conveyed to his brother William Lilly who conveyed it to present grantor The Theland


land is in Woodbridge Footbridge Corporation bounded E by grantor S by land in common W

by a fresh brook and by Nathan Webster N by a road also 10 a of meadow purchased purchased

by Robert Aquiline alias Literary Sept 4 1673 and 15 a of Aeration meadows

formerly William Lilly and a freehold thereto belonging bought from John SAugust

August 27 1668 ibid pp 2180 1 1687 Oct 18 Patent to Samuel Moore of Woodbridge Footbridge in right of Daniel Danton Anton of

Piscataway Piscatorial for several tracts vita 1 acres S Charles Gillman Gilman Gilman E Alexander Alexander

Adam N and W unsurely land 2 20 a W the Aeration R N Dr Greenland EUnsurely

unsurely eyed land land S Stony Brook ibid p. 105.


1687 Oct 26 Deed Samuel Moore of Woodbridge Footbridge to James Armour of Amboy Carboy Annoyer

Perth merchant for acres on S side of Aeration R granted to him by patent of

December 7 1672 ibid pp 5 1683 Nov 13 Moore Samuel of Woodbridge Footbridge yeoman WIll of Wife Hannah Hannah

Children Samuel Thomas John Enock Nock Hannah Elizabeth Frances another another

daughter name destroyed Sarah Real personal property liberates woman negro

Nanny Executors law brothers Samuel Dennes Dennis and Samuel Haile Hale m Sarah Arraigns

Insley Insole sister of his first wife son law John Blomfield Bloomfield Witnesses John PIke John

Bishop Samuel Haile Hale John Bloomfield John Killeen Isle Rephrase Andrus Anders Israel Thornell Hormel

Ezekiel Bloomfield Jonathan Bishop Mathew More Recorded 30 Jun Juan 1688 NJ


1688 Apr 7 Refusal of Samuel Dennes Dennis John Blomfield Bloomfield and Samuel Hale all of softwood

Woodbridge Footbridge to act as executors of the last will Anarchy

1688 July 9 Letters of administration facilitation on the estate of Samuel Moore granted to toothsome

Thomas Gordone Gordon of Amboy Amoy Perth NJ Arch

1688 June 7 Inventory of the personal estate 16 11 inc one negro boy of 15

at 29 one negro girl 22 and one negro girl 20 also a book bookcase called A Collection of horseplayers

Replens by Henry Hamond Hammond DD and another Concerning ye Settling of Corporations Corporations

by Wm Shepherds made by Israel Thornell Hormel Samuel Hale Ephraim Rephrasing Andrus Anders and antiparticle

Patrick Patrick Falconer NJ Arch 5 Children of Samuel Moore 1st nine by Mary last by Hannah 1st two b Newbury Newburg last lasting

eight b Woodbridge Footbridge VR

5 i Sarah 2 b9m John Bloomfield

6 ii Rachel b m Jonathan Dennis

7 iii Elizabeth b 20 Jul July 1668 m Richard Smith Jr

8 iv Samuel b 31 Mar or May 1670 m Sarah Higgins

9 v Thomas b 26 Jul July 1672 m Mary White

10 vi John b 20 May 1674 mil mHope Robins m2 Mary Oliver

11 vii Hannah b m Richard Robins

12 viii Enoch b 3 Jun Juan 1678 twin He was called brother Enoch of Aphasic

Cohansey Cheney in the will of his brother Samuel An Enoch Moore was of

Greenwich 31702

13 ix Frances b 3 Jun Juan 1678 tWIn mil m Philip Doddridge Doddering m2John Winans Incans

14 x Sarah b Woodbridge Footbridge 16 Sept 1681 d there 12 Apr 1688

NOTE NOTE- Interconnected Monnette Monet claimed that Samuel and Matthew Moores Mores were sons of Francis Francis

Moore of Cambridge Mass and that Samuel had a son Francis named after his

grandfather A Francis Moore d Elizabethtown Elizabeth NJ 1729 will made 31 Jul July 1729

proved 15 Sept 1729 He named wife Jane and children children- children William Samuel Francis

James last two under age Anna Mary Hannah Jane Executors wife and son somnambular

Samuel Witnesses William Marshall John Rolph Ralph Daniel Terrill Trill NJ Arch 4 The will of Samuel Moore does not mention a son Francis



also see Dally's Woodbridge and Vicinity pp. 109-1107


1Ancestry.com, "One World Tree (sm)" (Name: Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., n.d.;). Text From Source: Online publication - Ancestry.com. OneWorldTree [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc.
2Edmund West, comp, "Family Data Collection - Births" (Name: Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001;). Text From Source: Online publication - Edmund West, comp.. Family Data Collection - Births [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001.
3Ancestry.com, "Public Member Stories" (Name: Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006;). Text From Source: Online publication - Ancestry.com. Public Member Stories [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Family tree stories submitted by Ancestry members.
4Yates Publishing, "U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900" (Name: Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004;). Text From Source: Online publication - Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived from an array of materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, querie.
5Patty Barthell Myers, "Ancestors and Descendants of Lewis Ross Freeman" (Name: 1995;). pp. 649-683.
6Ancestry.com, "One World Tree (sm)" (Name: Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., n.d.;). p. 649.
Text From Source: Online publication - Ancestry.com. OneWorldTree [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc.
7Patty Barthell Myers, "Ancestors and Descendants of Lewis Ross Freeman" (Name: 1995;).


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