Wilson of Broomhead, Bradfield, Yorkshire       Venables of Kinderton, Cheshire       Gyles of Sheldwich, Kent       Miller of Clan MacFarlane, Dunbartonshire       Nelson of Bandon-Bridge, County Cork        Nicklin of Eccleshall, Staffordshire       Lamont of Clan Lamont, Argyll       Ilsley of Illsley, Berkshire       Petit de Bagneux, Poitou-Charentes       More of Clan Muir, Ayrshire       Bloomfield of Mickfield, Suffolk       Cooke of Barton, Worcester       Cornell of Saffron Walden, Essex       Fitz Randolph of Langton Hall, Nottinghamshire       Hallet of Whitchurch, Middlesex       Hartshorne of Hathern Hall, Leicestershire       More of More Hall, Bolsterstone, Yorkshire       Raby of Mickfield, Suffolk       Seaman of Saffron Walden, of Essex       Stevens of Bradfield, Berkshire       Winthrop of Groton, Suffolk       Woolsey of Langhale-cum-Kirstead, Norfolk       Wortley of Wortley Hall, Tankersley, Yorkshire       Ferrers of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire
      Wilson of Broomhead, Bradfield, Yorkshire       Venables of Kinderton, Cheshire       Gyles of Sheldwich, Kent       Miller of Clan MacFarlane, Dunbartonshire       Nelson of Bandon-Bridge, County Cork        Nicklin of Eccleshall, Staffordshire       Lamont of Clan Lamont, Argyll       Ilsley of Illsley, Berkshire       Petit de Bagneux, Poitou-Charentes       More of Clan Muir, Ayrshire       Bloomfield of Mickfield, Suffolk       Cooke of Barton, Worcester       Cornell of Saffron Walden, Essex       Fitz Randolph of Langton Hall, Nottinghamshire       Hallet of Whitchurch, Middlesex       Hartshorne of Hathern Hall, Leicestershire       More of More Hall, Bolsterstone, Yorkshire       Raby of Mickfield, Suffolk       Seaman of Saffron Walden, of Essex       Stevens of Bradfield, Berkshire       Winthrop of Groton, Suffolk       Woolsey of Langhale-cum-Kirstead, Norfolk       Wortley of Wortley Hall, Tankersley, Yorkshire       Ferrers of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire
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See also
Samuel DENNIS's other families: with Sarah MOORE ( -aft1683) and Increase LIPPENCOTT ( - )
Mary LOTHROP's other family: with Edward CROWELL ( -1688)
Mary LOTHROP's parents: Joseph CROWELL ( - ) and Mary ANSELL ( - )

Family of Samuel DENNIS and Mary LOTHROP

Husband: Samuel DENNIS (bef1652-1708)
Wife: Mary LOTHROP (1654- )
Children: Jonathan DENNIS (1692- )
Marriage 14 Apr 1689 Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA 1

Husband: Samuel DENNIS

Name: Samuel DENNIS 2,3
Sex: Male
Father: Robert DENNIS (1605-1698)
Mother: Mary JACKSON (1613- )
Birth bef 1652 2
Death Jan 1708 (age 55-56) Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA 2,4

Wife: Mary LOTHROP

Name: Mary LOTHROP 1
Sex: Female
Father: Joseph CROWELL ( - )
Mother: Mary ANSELL ( - )
Birth 22 Mar 1654 Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA

Child 1: Jonathan DENNIS

Name: Jonathan DENNIS 5,6
Sex: Male
Spouse: Agnes SHARP ( - )
Birth 2 Sep 1692 Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA


1Patty Barthell Myers, "Ancestors and Descendants of Lewis Ross Freeman" (Name: 1995;). pp. 654-655.
2Ibid. p. 654.
3Charles E. Stickney, "Jesse Dennis of Sussex County, N.J. and his descendants, ..." (1904 by Wantage Recorder Office in Sussex). pp. 18-21.
Text From Source: A Samuel Dennis is found by records of Woodbridge to have had a v/ife, Sarah, and children: Samuel, b. Sept. 17th, 1672; Robert, b. May 7th, 1676; Sarah, b. Feb. 17th, 1678 (or 9?), Jonathan, b. Feb, —, 1683, d. Dec. 12th, 1688. The dates correspond with the probable rearing of the family of Samuel we have under consideration. But Abigail Lippencott's will, proven of Shrewsbury, June 28th, 1697, (Vol. 21 p. 270, N.J.A.) she being a widow of Richard Lippencott, mentions "my granddaughters, Abigail, Sylviah, and Rachel; daughters of my daughter Increase and her husband Samuel Dennis." From, which we infer that he probably was twice married.

By the terms of the will which we deem his, there are two other children, daughters, named Reliance and Elizabeth, who were, if we mistake not, children of a third marriage, because an instrument in writing was filed in Middlesex county, March 5th, 1695, which recites that "Samuel Dennis of Woodbridge, having married Mary, widovv of Edward Crow, and thereby legally become the administrator of the estate of said Crow, who died intestate, empowers his said wife to manage the estate for the benefit of her children by Crow, viz: Mary, Yelvarton, Joseph, and Edward; and an inventory of the estate belonging to the children and a receipt by Mary Dennis for it on behalf of the children." (Vol. 21 p. 231, N. J. A.)

The will of Samuel Dennis was signed March 14th, 1719, and proven April 21, 1720, hence his death took place in the beginning of the year 1720, for it is seems probable that the wlll was probated within two or three weeks succeeding his death. The instrument is a carefully drawn one, and from its wording, so in accord with his active business life, it seems to have been written by him. It begins thus:

"In the name of God. Amen. The 14th day of the third month in the sixth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord, George, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, King, Anno Domino, 1719-20. I, Samuel Dennis, of Woodbridge, in the county of Middlesex, Yeoman; being very sick and weak of body, but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God, therefor, and calling to mind ye mortality of ye body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make, publish and ordain this to be my last will and testament.

Principally, the first of all I give and recommend my soul to God who gave it, and body to ye earth to be buried Christian like and decent mannered, at ye discretion of my executors hereinafter named, nothing doubting that I shall receive ye same again by ye mighty povver of God in ye glorious resnrreclion at ye last day. And touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this world, I give devise and dispose of ye same again in manner and form following:"

He then gives his wife Mary the whole of his movable estate excepting that previously given to his daughter Sarah, also lands in Bioomfield, eight acres bought of my faiher and hereafter given to my daughter Reliance; gives to his loving daughter Sarah. a lot his father bought of Wm. Collins, also lands in Woodbridge, to his daughter Elizabeth; gives his son Samuel, lands in Woodbridge and lands laid out by his father in Freehold, and requests his friends Edward Freeman and Benjamin Bloomfield to take especial care of '"ye timber on ye lot." Wife Mary and daughter Sarah, Executors.

Samuel Dennis, Jr., married Mary Crowel Dec. 3d. 1695. Children: Mary, d. 1702; Samuel, b. July 8th, 1706 (unauthentic). It is advertised Jan. 1st, 1722, that James McCurdy, his servant, had run away from him at Shrewsberry. Vol. ii, p. 69, N. J. A. This Samuel, Jr., we take to be the one whose will probated of Woodbridge, Dec. 15th, 1712, (Trenton records Vol, I, p. 202) gives to his wife Mary; to his son Samuel, "the house standing at the foot of strawberry hill;'' also gives to a son Jonathan.
4"New Jersey Archive". p. 134.
Text From Source: 1707 July 26. Dennes, Dennis, Samuel, of Woodbridge, East Jersey; will of.
Wife Mary. Children - Samuel, sole executor, and Jonathan. Real and personal estate.
Witnesses - Sam'l Shepherd, Tho: Davis, Geo. Ewbanck.
Proved June 10, 1708.
Lib. I, p. 202

1707-8 Feb. 2. Dennes, Mr. Samuel, of Middlesex Co. Inventory of the personal estate of, £107.2.9, incl. a Bible and other books £1.8.-; made by John Bishop, Thomas Pike and Noah Bishop.

1708 June 10. Letters testamentary granted to Samuel Dennis, the executor of the last will, etc.
5Reverand Joseph Dally, "Woodbridge and Vicinity" (Name: A.E. Gordon; New Brunswick, N.J.; 1873;). p. 327.
Text From Source: Jonathan Dennes Son of Samuel Dennes and Mary his wife Born ye 2nd Day of Septr 1692.
6Charles E. Stickney, "Jesse Dennis of Sussex County, N.J. and his descendants, ..." (1904 by Wantage Recorder Office in Sussex). p. 31.
Text From Source: Jonathan Dennis, m. Agnes, daughter of Wm. Sharp, Feb. 6, 1710, by Rev. Mr. Wade, in Woodbridge. Had a son Samuel Dennis, b. Oct. 25, 1711.


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