Wilson of Broomhead, Bradfield, Yorkshire       Venables of Kinderton, Cheshire       Gyles of Sheldwich, Kent       Miller of Clan MacFarlane, Dunbartonshire       Nelson of Bandon-Bridge, County Cork        Nicklin of Eccleshall, Staffordshire       Lamont of Clan Lamont, Argyll       Ilsley of Illsley, Berkshire       Petit de Bagneux, Poitou-Charentes       More of Clan Muir, Ayrshire       Bloomfield of Mickfield, Suffolk       Cooke of Barton, Worcester       Cornell of Saffron Walden, Essex       Fitz Randolph of Langton Hall, Nottinghamshire       Hallet of Whitchurch, Middlesex       Hartshorne of Hathern Hall, Leicestershire       More of More Hall, Bolsterstone, Yorkshire       Raby of Mickfield, Suffolk       Seaman of Saffron Walden, of Essex       Stevens of Bradfield, Berkshire       Winthrop of Groton, Suffolk       Woolsey of Langhale-cum-Kirstead, Norfolk       Wortley of Wortley Hall, Tankersley, Yorkshire       Ferrers of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire
      Wilson of Broomhead, Bradfield, Yorkshire       Venables of Kinderton, Cheshire       Gyles of Sheldwich, Kent       Miller of Clan MacFarlane, Dunbartonshire       Nelson of Bandon-Bridge, County Cork        Nicklin of Eccleshall, Staffordshire       Lamont of Clan Lamont, Argyll       Ilsley of Illsley, Berkshire       Petit de Bagneux, Poitou-Charentes       More of Clan Muir, Ayrshire       Bloomfield of Mickfield, Suffolk       Cooke of Barton, Worcester       Cornell of Saffron Walden, Essex       Fitz Randolph of Langton Hall, Nottinghamshire       Hallet of Whitchurch, Middlesex       Hartshorne of Hathern Hall, Leicestershire       More of More Hall, Bolsterstone, Yorkshire       Raby of Mickfield, Suffolk       Seaman of Saffron Walden, of Essex       Stevens of Bradfield, Berkshire       Winthrop of Groton, Suffolk       Woolsey of Langhale-cum-Kirstead, Norfolk       Wortley of Wortley Hall, Tankersley, Yorkshire       Ferrers of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire
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See also
Ralph DRAKE's other family: with Rebecca STOUT (1753?-1788)

Family of Ralph DRAKE and Jane UNKNOWN

Husband: Ralph DRAKE (1752-1815)
Wife: Jane UNKNOWN ( - )
Children: Charity DRAKE ( - )
Ralph DRAKE ( - )
Rebecca DRAKE (1792- )
Marriage aft 1788 Hopewell, Hunterdon, Nj 1

Husband: Ralph DRAKE

Name: Ralph DRAKE 2
Sex: Male
Father: Thomas DRAKE (1724-1792)
Mother: Dorothy VANKIRK (1731-1791)
Birth 1752 Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey 3
Death 1815 (age 62-63) Mason County, Kentucky 4

Wife: Jane UNKNOWN

Name: Jane UNKNOWN 5
Sex: Female
Father: -
Mother: -

Child 1: Charity DRAKE

Name: Charity DRAKE
Sex: Female
Spouse: William CLUTTER ( - )

Child 2: Ralph DRAKE

Name: Ralph DRAKE
Sex: Male
Spouse: Elizabeth HUNT ( - )

Child 3: Rebecca DRAKE

Name: Rebecca DRAKE
Sex: Female
Spouse: James S. WOOD ( - )
Birth 16 Mar 1792 Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey 6

Note on Husband: Ralph DRAKE - shared note

Ralph, the oldest son, was probably born about 1752 in Hopewell Township. He married first Rebecca Stout who was born about 1753 and died 29 January 1788. He had a second wife, Jane, who was the mother of Rebecca Drake, born 16 March 1792. Ralph moved with his entire family to Mason County, Kentucky in 1802. He died about 1815.


Taken from: Hardin, "The Drakes in New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Kentucky" page 14.


In the record of a land sale, Ralph Drake and wife, Jane were living in Hillsborough Twp, Somerset Co, NJ, at the time they sold 44 acres in Amwell twp, Hunterdon Co. to Peter Hortman for $593. This was recorded in Hunterdon Co. Deed Book 6 pg 253, dated 7 Nov 1801. Ralph and Jane acknowledged the deed on 12 Apr 1802.


Ralph was taxed in Hopewell Twp., May 1778. "Ralph Drake: 4 horses, 4 cows, 5 pigs. No acreage given.


He was taxed in Amwell Twp in June 1780: Ralph Drakes: 175 acres, 3 horses, 4 cows.

Ralph must have moved from Hopewell to Amwell Twp. in the interim.


May 15, 1802, Ralph Drake, Jane Drake, Charity Drake and Mary Runyan were dismissed from the rolls at Old School Baptist Church at Hopewell. It would appear that they were getting affairs in order for their move to Mason Co. KY.

Ralph purchased land in Maysville, Mason Co, KY on 6 Dec 1802.


Ralph's estate was settled 23 June 1815. Ralph's wife, Jane, was not mentioned in the estate papers. Apparently she died before he did.


1Clifford M. Hardin and Martha Wood Hardin, "Hardin, "The Drakes in New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Kentucky"". 16.
Text From Source: Since our ancestor, Rebecca Drake, was orn 16 Mar 1792, it is apparent that Ralph remarried soon after his first wife's death (in 1788).
2"Named in Will of Thomas Drake-State of NJ; bk34; pg200; File 1607J". "Documents Relating to the Colonial...History ...State of NJ."pg 115.
Text From Source: Will made 13 Jan 1792. Proved 16 Mar 1792.Amwell Twp, Hunterdon Co. Son, Henry, home plantation of 100 acres;...Son, Enoch, plantation of 70 acres on road from Pennington to Rocky Hill;...Eldest son, Ralph, 60 pounds...The other 6 sons 10pounds each. Remainder to be sold and monies divided into 6 equal shares: Sons, John, Henry and Enoch, each 1 share, Daniel, 1/2 share, Benjamin, 1 share, Thomas, 1/2 share; and daughters, Mary and Easter, each 1/2 share. Youngest son, Thomas to be clothed during his apprenticeship. Executors--sons, Henry and Enoch. Witnesses--Aaron Stout, Thomas Drake and Daniel Drake. Final accoounting 2Nov 1796 showed 1,405.13.4 pounds on hand for distribution.
3"LDS Ancestral File".
4Clifford M. Hardin and Martha Wood Hardin, "Hardin, "The Drakes in New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Kentucky"". 14.
Text From Source: Ralph moved with his entire family to Mason County, Kentucky in 1802. He died about 1815.
5Ibid. 16.
Text From Source: Betsy Errickson reports the following land transaction: Hunterdon Co. Deed Bk 6, pg 253, dated 7 nov 1801: Ralph Drake and Jane (W.) of Hillsborough Twp, Somerset Co, Miller sold 44 acres in Amwell Twp. to Peter Hortman for $593.00.
6Ibid. 16.


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