Wilson of Broomhead, Bradfield, Yorkshire       Venables of Kinderton, Cheshire       Gyles of Sheldwich, Kent       Miller of Clan MacFarlane, Dunbartonshire       Nelson of Bandon-Bridge, County Cork        Nicklin of Eccleshall, Staffordshire       Lamont of Clan Lamont, Argyll       Ilsley of Illsley, Berkshire       Petit de Bagneux, Poitou-Charentes       More of Clan Muir, Ayrshire       Bloomfield of Mickfield, Suffolk       Cooke of Barton, Worcester       Cornell of Saffron Walden, Essex       Fitz Randolph of Langton Hall, Nottinghamshire       Hallet of Whitchurch, Middlesex       Hartshorne of Hathern Hall, Leicestershire       More of More Hall, Bolsterstone, Yorkshire       Raby of Mickfield, Suffolk       Seaman of Saffron Walden, of Essex       Stevens of Bradfield, Berkshire       Winthrop of Groton, Suffolk       Woolsey of Langhale-cum-Kirstead, Norfolk       Wortley of Wortley Hall, Tankersley, Yorkshire       Ferrers of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire
      Wilson of Broomhead, Bradfield, Yorkshire       Venables of Kinderton, Cheshire       Gyles of Sheldwich, Kent       Miller of Clan MacFarlane, Dunbartonshire       Nelson of Bandon-Bridge, County Cork        Nicklin of Eccleshall, Staffordshire       Lamont of Clan Lamont, Argyll       Ilsley of Illsley, Berkshire       Petit de Bagneux, Poitou-Charentes       More of Clan Muir, Ayrshire       Bloomfield of Mickfield, Suffolk       Cooke of Barton, Worcester       Cornell of Saffron Walden, Essex       Fitz Randolph of Langton Hall, Nottinghamshire       Hallet of Whitchurch, Middlesex       Hartshorne of Hathern Hall, Leicestershire       More of More Hall, Bolsterstone, Yorkshire       Raby of Mickfield, Suffolk       Seaman of Saffron Walden, of Essex       Stevens of Bradfield, Berkshire       Winthrop of Groton, Suffolk       Woolsey of Langhale-cum-Kirstead, Norfolk       Wortley of Wortley Hall, Tankersley, Yorkshire       Ferrers of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire
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See also

Family of Thomas DRAKE and Dorothy VANKIRK

Husband: Thomas DRAKE (1724-1792)
Wife: Dorothy VANKIRK (1731-1791)
Children: Mary DRAKE ( - )
Ralph DRAKE (1752-1815)
Henry DRAKE (1753?-1796)
John DRAKE (1754- )
Daniel DRAKE (1758?-1800)
Enoch DRAKE (1761-1822)
Esther DRAKE (1764-1827)
Benjamin DRAKE (aft1770-1814)
Thomas DRAKE (1782?- )
Marriage 1751 Monmouth, New Jersey 1

Husband: Thomas DRAKE

Name: Thomas DRAKE 2,3
Sex: Male
Father: Benjamin DRAKE (1683-1763)
Mother: Mary RUNYON (1677-1748)
Birth 1724 Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey 4,5
Death 10 Mar 1792 (age 67-68) Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey 6,7
Burial 1792 (age 67-68) 8

Additional Information

Burial Titus' Mill Rd., Hopewell, Hunterdon, NJ

Wife: Dorothy VANKIRK

Name: Dorothy VANKIRK 9
Sex: Female
Father: -
Mother: -
Birth 1731 Middletown, Monmouth, New Jersey 10,11
Death 13 Dec 1791 (age 59-60) Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey 12
Burial 1791 (age 59-60) 8

Additional Information

Burial Titus' Mill Rd, Hopewell, Hunterdon, NJ

Child 1: Mary DRAKE

Name: Mary DRAKE 13,14
Sex: Female
Spouse: Aaron STOUT ( - )

Child 2: Ralph DRAKE

Name: Ralph DRAKE 15
Sex: Male
Spouse 1: Rebecca STOUT (1753?-1788)
Spouse 2: Jane UNKNOWN ( - )
Birth 1752 Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey 8
Death 1815 (age 62-63) Mason County, Kentucky 16

Child 3: Henry DRAKE

Name: Henry DRAKE 13
Sex: Male
Spouse: Susannah BLACKWELL ( - )
Birth 1753 (app) Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey 8
Death 15 Nov 1796 (age 42-43) Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey 8,17

Child 4: John DRAKE

Name: John DRAKE 13
Sex: Male
Spouse: Charity HUNT ( - )
Birth 1754 Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey 8,18

Child 5: Daniel DRAKE

Name: Daniel DRAKE 13
Sex: Male
Spouse: Frances GOLDEN (1776?-aft1811)
Birth 1758 (app) Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey 19
Death Jan 1800 (age 41-42) Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey 20
Burial 1800 (age 41-42) 8

Additional Information

Burial Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey

Child 6: Enoch DRAKE

Name: Enoch DRAKE 13
Sex: Male
Spouse: Catherine STOUT (1762-1841)
Birth 15 Feb 1761 Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey 8,21
Death 19 Oct 1822 (age 61) Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey 8,22
Burial 1822 (age 60-61) Old School Baptist Cemetery 8

Additional Information

Burial Hopewell, Mercer, NJ

Child 7: Esther DRAKE

Name: Esther DRAKE 23
Sex: Female
Spouse: Peter VANKIRK (1759-1824)
Birth 8 Jan 1764 New Jersey 8
Death 18 Apr 1827 (age 63) Northampton, Pennsylvania 8

Child 8: Benjamin DRAKE

Name: Benjamin DRAKE 13
Sex: Male
Spouse: Ame UNKNOWN ( - )
Birth btw 1770 and 1774 Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey 8
Death 18 Mar 1814 (age 39-44) Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey 8

Child 9: Thomas DRAKE

Name: Thomas DRAKE 13
Sex: Male
Spouse: Hannah CAIN ( - )
Birth 1782 (app) Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey 8

Note on Husband: Thomas DRAKE - shared note

Source: S.R. Williams, "The Drake Family". Compiled in 1980 by Stanley Ross Williams. References: Wagner, "Drakes in England"; Alice Smith Thompson, "The Drake Family of New Hampshire"; Chambers, "Early Germans of New Jersey..."; Fox-Davies, "Armorial Families...".


Thomas Drake was overseer and surveyor of highways, Hopewel, Hunterdon, NJ in 1777 and 1784. He joined Hopewell Church 20 Sept. 1766,


Thomas and Dorothy Drake's tombstones were set up in Old School Baptist Cemetery at Hopewell by Wm. H. Drake in the 1920's. They were originally in a family cemetery on the farm that Thomas willed to his son, Enoch-- near Centerville, about 1 mile East of Pennington, along Pennington-Rocky Road. In Monnette's "First Settlers of Ye Plantations" he states that the cemetery was on Titus'Mill Road. On the tombstone, Thomas' Rev. War Service is noted: Lt. Rev. War. Co. G, 19th Infantry.


According to Hardin's "Drakes in New Jersey..." p.14, the tombstones had been used as stepping stones for years. They cite Thomas Drake's service record from the Adjutant General's Office, Trenton, NJ thus: "Lt. Thomas Drake served in Captain Ralph Guild's Co., Col. Joseph Phillip's First Regiment, Hunerdon Co., NJ Militia for one month during the Revolutionary War--injured."


Thomas was overseer of highways and surveyor of highways in March 1777. He recorded lost animals 11 Dec 1755 and in 1761. He is reported to have joined Hopewell Church 20 Sep 1766. Dorothy Drake joined Hopewell Church 17 Nov 1764.


Church records indicate that on 15 March 1792, Thomas Drake, "an ancient member: died.

13 December 1791, Dorothy Drake (wife of Thomas) died.


Will of Thomas Drake:


Thomas died leaving a WILL dated 13 Jan 1792, proved 16 March 1792 "of Amwell Twp., Hunterdon County" (must have been living with a child--probably son Henry who was willed the 100 acre plantation whereon Thomas lived when writing the will.) Enoch was devised plantation near Centerville," beginning at a black oak of Samuel Titus at the said road, running as the fence now stands to the youn orchard to John Drakes's corner.....70 acres.


Other children named in WILL:

Eldest son, Ralph, 60 pounds; Youngest son, Thomas to get share when 21; John one share; Henry one share; Enoch one share; Daniel 1/2 share; Benjamin 1 share; Thomas 1/2 share; Mary 1/2 share, and Easter 1/2 share. Youngest son, Thomas to be clothed during his apprenticeship.


Executors: sons, Henry and Enoch. Witnesses, Aaron Stout,Thomas Drake, Daniel Drake.


State of New Jersey Calendar of Wills--1791-1795. Book 34. Page 200.


In Monnette's books "First Settlers of Ye Plantations", page 820, he cites Thomas birthdate as 1735. He also cites the same Will , proved March 16, 1792, that names the same heirs as previously listed. Therefore, he is speaking of the same Thomas Drake. His given birthdate for Thomas cannot be correct, because then Thomas would only have been 17 years old at the time of the birth of Ralph, his oldest child.


I am, therefore, going to assume that the date of 1724, given by S.R. Williams and the Hardins, is the correct birth date for Thomas.


Dr. Benjamin VanKirk, half-brother of Dorothy, made charges for services to the family for Easter, Salley, Hette, Catey.

He also mentioned cash paid to Henry Drake, one of the executors, which was" in full of the legacy left the aforesaid Thomas Drake by his wife's father, Henry VanKirk."

His account record lists "Thomas, dec'd of Hunterdon Co."

Note on Wife: Dorothy VANKIRK - shared note

The LDS Ancestral file gives Dorothy's Birth date as 1730.

Raymond Bell gives her birth date as 20 Sep 1734. This date causes great inconsistencies in the birth and marriage dates of her daughter Mary.

In 1980. Stanley Ross Williams gave Dorothy a birth date of 2 March 1731/died 13 Dec 1791 in 60th year. He cites Alice Thompson's "The Drake Family of New Hampshire" and Chambers'"The Early Germans of New Jersey--Their History, Churches, and Genealogies" as sources. These are the dates I will use in this report.


Dorothy joined Hopewell Church 17 Nov 1764.


According to Williams, Dorothy was a sister of Dr. Benjamin VanKirk whose medical records prove her to have been a daughter of Henry. Most of Thomas and Dorothy's children are noted under Thomas Drake's medical account record. (1776-1796)


Dr. VanKirk made charges to: Easter, Salley, Hette, Catey.

Also: For cash paid Henry Drake, one of the ex., which is in full the legacy left the aforesaid Thomas Drake by his wife's father, Henry VanKirk. His account record lists Thomas Dec'd of Hunt. Co.


Dr. Benjamin Vankirk provided medical services in western New Jersey for many years.


1""Ancestry" File#F3831D - Submitted by Susan Mortenson".
2"Will of Thomas Drake Amwell Twp, Hunterdon Co. NJ Book 34 pg 200".
LDS Library, Salt Lake City. Call Number: G974.9 N427 doc Vol 37.
3Orra Eugene Monnette, "Monnette, "First Settlers of Ye Plantations of Piscataway and Woodbridge E. NJ"". 820.
Text From Source: Quotes from Thomas' will, wherein his children are named.
Brigham Young University Library at Provo, Utah. Call Number: F144.P68 M74.
4Clifford M. Hardin and Martha Wood Hardin, "Hardin, "The Drakes in New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Kentucky"". 14.
Text From Source: Mrs. Betsy Errickson of the Hopewell Museum reports that Thomas and Dorothy are buried on the Farm that Thomas willed to his son, Enoch, but the stones are in the Old School Baptist Cemetery at Hopewell. On Thomas' headstone: Thomas died 10 March 1792. Aged 68 years.
5Ibid. 12.
Text From Source: (The children of Benjamin Drake): Thomas, born 1724 in Hopewell Township.
6Ibid. 14.
Text From Source: on Thomas' headstone: Thomas died 10 March 1792 Aged 68 years.
7"Will of Thomas Drake Amwell Twp, Hunterdon Co. NJ Book 34 pg 200". "Documents Relating to the Colonial...History..State of NJ 1791-1795.
Text From Source: Son, Henry, home plantation of 100 Acres:...Son, Enoch, plantation of 70 acres on road from Pennington to Rocky Hill;...Eldest son, Ralph, 60 pounds. The other 6 sons 10 pounds each. Remainder to be sold and monies divided into 6 equal shares. Sons, John, Henry and Enoch, each 1 share, Daniel, 1/2 share, Benjamin, 1 share, Thomas, 1/2 share; and daughters, Mary and Easter,each 1/2 share. Youngest son, Thomas, to be clothed during his apprenticeship. Executors--sons, Henry and Enoch. Witnesses--Aaron Stout, Thomas Drake, and Daniel Drake.
LDS Library, Salt Lake City. Call Number: G974.9 N427 doc Vol 37.
8"LDS Ancestral File".
9Raymond Bell, "Raymond Bell,"Some New Jersey Families...Vankirk"" (Name: 1983;).
10Stanley Ross Williams, "Williams, "The Drake Family" 1980" (Name: compilation published in 1980;). not numbered.
Text From Source: Thomas Drake married Dorothy Vankirk, dau of Henry Vankirk and Dorothy Morgan. Dorothy born 2 March 1731 Died 13 Dec 1791 in 60th year. Dorothy was probably born near Middletown in Monmouth Co., NJ.
Drake Family Historical Files.
11Clifford M. Hardin and Martha Wood Hardin, "Hardin, "The Drakes in New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Kentucky"". 14.
Text From Source: Headstone of Dorothy has been placed in the Old School Baptist Cemetery at Hopewell. Mrs. Betsy Errickson of the Hopewell museum reports that Dorothy died 13 December 1791 in her 60th year.
12Stanley Ross Williams, "Williams, "The Drake Family" 1980" (Name: compilation published in 1980;).
Drake Family Historical Files.
13"Named in Will of Thomas Drake-State of NJ; bk34; pg200; File 1607J".
14Clifford M. Hardin and Martha Wood Hardin, "Hardin, "The Drakes in New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Kentucky"". Pg 13 and 15.
Text From Source: Child No.8 Mary, who married Aaron Stout
15"Named in Will of Thomas Drake-State of NJ; bk34; pg200; File 1607J". "Documents Relating to the Colonial...History ...State of NJ."pg 115.
Text From Source: Will made 13 Jan 1792. Proved 16 Mar 1792.Amwell Twp, Hunterdon Co. Son, Henry, home plantation of 100 acres;...Son, Enoch, plantation of 70 acres on road from Pennington to Rocky Hill;...Eldest son, Ralph, 60 pounds...The other 6 sons 10pounds each. Remainder to be sold and monies divided into 6 equal shares: Sons, John, Henry and Enoch, each 1 share, Daniel, 1/2 share, Benjamin, 1 share, Thomas, 1/2 share; and daughters, Mary and Easter, each 1/2 share. Youngest son, Thomas to be clothed during his apprenticeship. Executors--sons, Henry and Enoch. Witnesses--Aaron Stout, Thomas Drake and Daniel Drake. Final accoounting 2Nov 1796 showed 1,405.13.4 pounds on hand for distribution.
16Clifford M. Hardin and Martha Wood Hardin, "Hardin, "The Drakes in New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Kentucky"". 14.
Text From Source: Ralph moved with his entire family to Mason County, Kentucky in 1802. He died about 1815.
17Ibid. 15.
Text From Source: Henry's will dated 5 sept 1796; proved 16 Nov 1796.
18Ibid. 15.
19Terry Bradley 9790 S Prairie Rd., Tillamook, OR 97141, "Terry Bradley". Descendancy chart for Daniel Drake.
Text From Source: Daniel Drake was born abt 1758 in Hopewell Twp, NJ
20Documents relating to the Colonail, Rev., and Post-Rev. History of NJ 1791-1795, "Will of Daniel Drake dated 24 Dec 1799 : Proved Jan 23, 1800". Vol 37 : Page 113: File 1916J.
Text From Source: Wife, Frances, her choice of household goods; reminder of estate in trust of wife for support of children. Son. Isaiah, to have horse my brother Enoch gave my 2 sons, if he pays my son,Ralph for his half. If both sons die, money to be divided between daughters (unnamed). Executor: Brother in law Isaac Golden. Witnesses Israel Hunt, Enoch Drake and Benjamin Hunt.
21Clifford M. Hardin and Martha Wood Hardin, "Hardin, "The Drakes in New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Kentucky"". 15.
Text From Source: Enoch. Born 15 Feb 1761 at Hopewell.
22Ibid. 15.
Text From Source: Enoch died 19 Oct 1822.
23"Will of Thomas Drake Amwell Twp, Hunterdon Co. NJ Book 34 pg 200". 115.
Text From Source: Daughters, Mary and Easter, each 1/2 share.
LDS Library, Salt Lake City. Call Number: G974.9 N427 doc Vol 37.


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